
Hello Little Bethel family, 

A few people have been asking about how they can give financially to Little Bethel during COVID-19. So I’ve made up a list of a few possibilities. 

  1. You can mail a cheque to Little Bethel with “Attn Joanne McKinley”. She is our treasurer 
  1. You can also drop off a cheque or cash in an envelope with your name and address on the envelope (so you can be receipted at the end of the year). This should also have “Attn Joanne McKinley” written on it. It can be put into the mailbox slot in the front door. 
  1. E-transfer – If you do online banking you can make an e-transfer to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and write offering/donation in your message. There is a security question that our admin will have to answer so you can text the answer to Sherry Moniz and she will process the transfer. 
  1. You can donate directly to Little Bethel on our website: ca At the top of the home page you will see DONATE NOW. Click on It and you will be able to donate to Little Bethel via CanadaHelps. For this donation, you will be receipted directly by CanadaHelps. 
  1. There is also another option which some people in our church already use and that is PAR. It is pre-authorized giving from your bank. So each month PAR will deduct the amount you specify from your account and deposit it into Little Bethel’s account via the bank. If at any time you want to change the amount or stop all together that is completely and continuously within your control. Let me know if this is something you’re interested in.

 Thank you for your support.



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